The Australian Black Orchid (Cymbidiumcanaliculatum) is known to survive with minimal care. However, they also enjoy plenty of love and attention, making them the perfect plant and orchid for everyone, whether they have a green, or, not so green thumb.

Where to place your Orchid
Larger timber, and double-potted Outback Orchids are happy in locations from part shade to full sun.
Small timber, or non-insulated (single pot) potted orchids prefer to be protected from the harsh afternoon sun. This is due to the sun heating the pots and the orchids roots. You can avoid heating your potted orchids roots by placing it in a decorative pot.
Sunnier locations are ideal for optimum flowering.
Outback Orchids also make great indoor plants in locations that receive sunlight.

Feeding your Orchid
Although these Orchids survive on minimal care, they also respond significantly to TLC. Here at Outback Orchids Australia, we have developed our very own Orchid Feeders to promote the 'Growth' and 'Flowering' stages of the Orchids lifecycle. See our 'Orchid Feeders' page for more information and to purchase your own spray bottles and re-fills. These Feeders are also great to use on your other orchids and plants.

Flowering occurs in the cooler months of the year. Swap from your Outback Orchids 'Growth' Feeder, to your 'Flower' Feeder in Autumn, and return to using your 'Growth' Feeder once flowering has finished and the weather has warmed up.
Once flowering has finished, a seed pod will remain on the flower spike which gives lovely detail to your orchid. If you prefer, you may cut the spent flower spikes off from the base.

New Bulbs
This species produces many new bulbs in Spring and Summer and benefits from fertiliser applications at this time of the year. Use our Orchid 'Growth' Feeder to get the best out of your Outback Orchids Growing season.

Like many orchids, the Cymbidium orchids prefer alkaline water, which is why rainwater is the best water source. If rainwater is not an option for your Outback Orchid, then it is recommended to spray a mixture of 1 gram of lime per litre of water, four times a year.
Using our Orchid Feeders eliminates nutrient and water pH issues.
Water your orchid as necessary for your chosen location and conditions. This can be daily to monthly, it really depends on what you would like for your orchid, and how well you would like it to perform. Contact us for advice on your specific location and your Outback Orchid type.
Australian Native Black Orchid Maintenance
In the video below, I explain how to do your annual orchid tidy up to keep your black orchid looking fab! I also show how and when to do a complete revamp.